Madagascar (2005)
Title: Madagascar
Director: Eric Darnell
Tom McGrath
Genre: Animation/Comedy
Highs: The monkeys and the baby lemur.
Lows: Really short (length-wise).
RhynoBot Grade: C
I think I am done with the whole Ben Stiller thing. With this movie I have officially gone into Stiller overload and the system is now rejecting all things Stiller. Madagascar should be funny and on some levels it is but just not consistently. There are some truly funny moments - I particularly enjoyed the sign language/talking monkey bit and the little baby one tooth lemur but that was about it. The movie really never picked up steam for my tastes. It was basically 86 minutes of Ben Stiller complaining to Chris Rock. Which is another problem - the director needed to decide if this was going to be a kids movie only or a smart comedy that adults can enjoy too. I think it tries to be the latter but the length of the movie made the adult in me feel jipped. If I saw this movie in the theater I would be pissed that I had to pay $8.50 a ticket for 86 minutes of sub-par animated comedy, that I was mislead into watching because the advertisements said it was from the people that brought me "Shrek", so therefore it should be funny but it wasn't! And what's with Chris Rock going all Eddy Murphy on us? You're a funny angry black man please don't start pull'in a Murphy by making only family comedy's - PLEASE!
I wish I could like this movie more but it's just not that good. I'm sure the kiddies love it because the penguins are cute, but militant, and the lion chews on the zebras butt, but we as adults have to sit through this thing for the kiddies sake so you better make the thing a little more entertaining for the people that are going to be shelling out the buck.
It's not that great of a movie, you can skip it.
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