Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wedding Crashers (2005)

Title: Wedding Crashers
Director: David Dobkin
Genre: Comedy
Highs: Vince Vaughn is so f-ing funny.
Lows: Lost major steam about 3/4 the way through.
RhynoBot Grade: B

It has been a while since a really funny adult comedy has come out. Lately it has been all about the teen comedies which are funny for the most part but is starting to get old. I like the fact that "Wedding Crashers" is rated R. I like the fact that this movie has sex, drugs, and the complete lack of moral fiber. Personally I find that funny. And really who does the complete lack of moral fiber thing better than Vince Vaughn - NO ONE!

I also appreciate the fact that this movie has an original idea. Take two average Joe's that have figured out what makes women tick, throw in a set of established ground rule inherited by the master scammer Chase, and seek out chicks at an event where women are known to get a little crazy like say a wedding and bingo instant situation for scoring. Well this is exactly the situation that Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson have perfected in Wedding Crashers.

This movie is hilarious for 3/4 of the way through mainly due to Vaughn (damn he is so f-ing funny), then it loses some major steam becoming way too serious as Wilson pursues the love of his life played by Rachel McAdams. They should have left the love sick puppy stuff at the door and just kept plowing ahead letting Vaughn do his thing. I swear the funniest scene of the movie was when Vaughn gets tied up to the 4-poster bed by his psycho lust interest and gets taken advantage of, then while still tied up, in comes the brother for a little man on man action. The next morning when he is telling Wilson about what happened is Vaughn at his best.

I liked this movie but the antics went on way to long and lost momentum. But for the most part Wedding Crashers was entertaining and really funny.

It's a good movie, you should see it.


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