The Island (2005)
Title: The Island
Director: Michael Bay
Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
Highs: Good car chase stunts.
Lows: Special effects not that special
RhynoBot Grade: B-
My friend John seems to think I would hate this movie knowing my opinion regarding the lack of originality in Hollywood movies right now. He said, "You're going to say it's just like 'Gattaca', or something." That statement alone proves my point. Now having seen the movie I can say John was mostly wrong. Yes, the style of "The Island" was reminiscent of "Gattaca" but the content was completely dissimilar. The true comparison, and I wish Michael Bay was just up front and honest about this, is this movie is essentially a re-make of "Logan's Run".
OK, lets compare shall we. "Logan's Run" features a closed society where people are created not born. Hmm, sounds a lot like cloning to me. The reason for the closed society is due to the world being contaminated beyond the protection of the dome. Interesting, the clones in The Island that didn't know they were clones were told they couldn't go outside since it was contaminated. Moving on, in Logan's Run on your thirtieth birthday you go to carousel and are "re-born" (really you're just vaporized). In the Island you win a lottery and go to the island to live out your days in peace (more like rest in peace since they off you once they harvest your organs). In Logan's Run we have Logan 5 and his companion Jessica 6, in The Island we have Lincoln 6 Echo and Jordan 2 Delta (they didn't even bother to change the name initials). In Logan's Run they escape through the bowels of the dome to get to "sanctuary" (outside), in The Island they escape their habitat through the bowels of the structure to find their DNA originator (owner) for sanctuary (which happens to be outside). Logan and Jessica come back, destroy the society they know and the dome, everyone goes outside and are happy. Lincoln and Jordan come back, destroy the society they know and the habitat, everyone goes outside and are happy. But the real give away - they must have shouted "RUN" 50 time during the course of the movie, sounds like an admission of guilt to me. Can you say carbon copy???
Well not exactly a carbon copy. Although the major plot points are the same the details are at least different enough that it feels like a different movie for the most part and is rather entertaining as well. The chase sequences are some of the best I have seen (must have been spectacular on the BIG screen). The only problem was the computer generated special effects were very poor during this scene. The jet bike, although very cool in concept, looked ridicules blended into the surrounding scene.
Ultimately this movie is rather entertaining. If you have never seen Logan's Run then you're in luck because this will all seem new to you. If you have, sorry but unfortunately you will find yourself saying, wow this is just like that part in Logan's Run but cooler like Gattaca.
It a decent movie, good entertainment, it's worth a look.
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