The Dukes of Hazard (2005)
Title: The Dukes of Hazard (Unrated)
Director: Jay Chandrasekhar
Genre: Comedy
Highs: Jessica Simpson in a hot pink bikini
Lows: The rest of the movie in it's entirety.
RhynoBot Grade: F
The only reason to see this movie is to see Jessica Simpson in a hot pink bikini. So here you go - I just saved you 1 hour and 47 minutes of your life.
This movie is a complete travesty to those that loved the show as kids. Bo and Luke Duke were never involved directly with illegal activity. They never ran moonshine (they help Uncle Jesse's old moonshiner friend move his still once), they were not pot heads, and the Duke Boys were quite smart. This is Dude Where's My Car but with the General Lee.
Jay Chandrasekhar stick with Super Troopers - stop f-ing up my childhood memories.
Avoid this movie at all costs if you have a brain.
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